Gully Ruggers Foundation. ITS NEVER TOO LATE, Pause.Restart.Reform
Welcome to the Yellow Portal
We at Yellow Streets focus on strengthening emotional intelligence and building aspirations to drive young minds towards a sustained future using 'Rugby' & allied activities as a medium for change.
Working directly with underprivileged communities, primarily with children and young people
A country where children and young people break out of streets to lead healthy and fulfilling lives by positively contributing to their community and beyond
Yellow Streets constitutes a robust support system for underprivileged children and young people by engaging them into a progressive leadership environment through a unique combination of sports, creative arts, and contemporary learning frameworks. We operate in three marginalized localities of Delhi, intensively working in the domain of education, sports for development, gender equity, and sustainable. community work
Yellow Streets constitutes the support system that nourishes children and young adults, primarily from the disadvantaged section. It creates and facilitates a learning environment through a robust combination of 21st-century framework and Rugby in order to impact the audience on physical, psychological, social, and economic fronts.
It builds aspirations and promulgates the humanitarian aspect besides enriching a support system in their lives – channelising an individual's raw energy in the direction of positive change.
Last, but not the least, it also ensures a set of opportunities provided to aid these young minds in becoming skilled professionals and active citizens through a committed collective of like-minded partners, transforming their present and ushering them towards a yellow future!
The initiative aims to transform the lives of these people to a point where they themselves become the beacon of this change. With its detailed structure, distinguished collaborators, substantial resources, and mass sample space,
Yellow Streets forms an ecosystem in itself.
The process has three stages to it - Pause, Restart, Reform.
Painting the World YELLOW
Our foremost programme caters to the children and young people found on the streets. Through Rugby and allied activities, we create a safe space for these young buds to learn and grow while opening a window of opportunities for them. A unique blend of 21st century learning framework and professional Rugby, weekly practice sessions are conducted by World Rugby certified coaches, educators and life-skills practitioners
Rugby builds character and we put that catchphrase to its best use by using Rugby as the medium to tend to a sensitive section of the society – Children in conflict with the law. We help children transform their approach to life by building aspirations that greatly aid in their rehabilitation, scripting an alternate path.
There are 13.8 million slums in India and about 750 clusters of those exist alone in Delhi. Children and youth living in such temporary and unorganized areas combat social disorganization while being deprived of a trusted and relevant support system. These factors compel them to search for daily bread in the most vulnerable situations while struggling to meet basic necessities.
What do we offer?
Expand your expectations
We co-create and facilitate learning
environment through a robust combination of 21st-century framework and Rugby in order to impact the students on essential development parameters. We offer short-term and long-term experiential courses customised to the needs of the students and the institutions.
When was the last time you entered the field?
A customised Rugby experience to get head to head with a shared challenge/Fear chosen by a group of learners, professionals or an organisation to work on.
Some of the common challenges are anger management, trust building, setting goals, conflict management,work ethics, physical fitness, etc.
Building Organisational Capacity
Human Resource, undoubtedly, is the soul of any organisation and its efficacy is paramount. Our focus rests on enhancing individual and group skills through customised co-learning experiences catering specific development required by the organisations. The workshops, camps or retreats pose a variety of themes which stress on staff or team's capacity building.